



S5 10 The Day the World Went Away

I wanted to talk to you.

No one else would really understand.

Not much of a conversation, as you can't talk back.

That's my fault, but I've been thinking, and I know you have too, about how all this plays out. About what happens next.

I'm sure you've made a million different versions.

I know some very bad things are coming.

I know I'm probably going to die.

I accepted that a long time ago.

But I was wondering, if in any of those many versions, the people that I've roped into helping me, my friends whether they get out alive.

Is that a path that we're on? 

I suppose I may have made that impossible.

Even if you could tell me, it's probably too late.

Double shot, and a cappuccino.

Glad to see you back.

It's been a while, hasn't it? 

I'm afraid that you are confusing me with someone else.

This is the first time I've been to this establishment.

Oh, sorry, it's just thought I recognized your order too.

What a coincidence.

Good-bye and thank you.




how all this plays out. About what happens next.


I'm sure you've made a million different versions.

I know some very bad things are coming.




I know I'm probably going to die.

I accepted that a long time ago.

But I was wondering, if in any of those many versions, the people that I've roped into helping me, my friends whether they get out alive.

这场战争中会有牺牲,那个人不一定是谁,而宅总早已认定那个人是自己。可能有人会对宅总嗤之以鼻  但我不会那么做。所以你如果想从我的文字里解恨那么不好意思可能会让你失望了。


让我们回到101,摘去观众滤镜抛去后面的剧情,体会最后宅总的那句话 we'll probably wind up dead”这种坦然无关有没有准备,只是一种自然接受,是宅总对自己那时人生的认识。他的一生,父亲、好友、爱人不管以什么方式,都无一意外的离开了,他对这个世界的所有依恋也就此被剥夺了。他的任务是无私的拯救行为,是一场赎罪之旅,宅总那时也没想到能和四叔成为挚友以及SM的上线和后来那么多事,他也许就认为自己和雇来的打手救救人,一辈子大概就会在某次危险得不得了的情景中结束了吧。死亡是一个固定的形式,只是时间来的长短,对那时宅总来说生活已经死亡,只是目标还活着,坦然是这种仗着目标还在的“苟活”下的自然流露,当然了救人固然还是温暖高尚的行为。苟活更多是指宅总已经放弃其实也是被剥夺了追求美好幸福人生的意愿,或者说他成了一个无牵无挂的人。

但此时的坦然, accept是一种选择,苟活下的流露不能被称为牺牲,而这里可以被称为牺牲。有了更大的利益,被赋予了更大的使命,不光拯救人还要拯救人类,对于一个无牵无挂的人,英雄主义那套就了然于胸。但现在情况不一样了,使命在牵挂也有,为了这些奉献自己,这种坦然无论是面对死亡还是什么,都是珍贵可敬的。







Is that a path that we're on?



我就不举例了,我想很多很多事的发生,宅总是有后悔的但同时他也非常无奈,不是手足无措,但也是相当迷茫了。这就是人的问题,他对此其实也很悲观,I suppose I may have made that impossible. Even if you could tell me, it's probably too late. 关键在于”that” 是他自己活不成,还是他们不是在正确的路上。看意思应该是指后者,他觉得他可能会连累其他人,即使有让他们活下去的方法,他也可能错失了走向这条路的机会。从这宅总开始陷入深深的自责。而随着剧情这种自责在加深,他开始留意那些对他展示出保护性的人,他厌倦了太多人的离去,甚至还会认为这场战争已经输了,这种“幻想”的挫败感将他的意志一点点消磨。所以我们看到一个前半段持续消沉的宅总。这也是人的问题。

而他的终极问题Is that a path that we're on?  



P.S 《女子监狱》中看到这段觉得挺好,和POI这有一丢丢关系的鸡汤。

无论结局怎样,Do the best we can, right?


Morning, Ms. Groves.

How is Ms. Shaw faring? Great.

How's she really faring? It's gonna take some time.

Is there anything else the matter? We finally have open access to the Machine, and now you're planning to close it. Go back to talking in numbers.

Unless you've added telepathy to your long list of talents, there's no way that you could have known that I had chosen today to  end our 对话 with the Machine.

You built her to predict people, Harry.

And she's very good at it.

Starting with you.

She respects your decision.

She believes in you so much.

You don't agree.

You built God, Harry.

Who am I to question your judgment? Or hers? But? But we're gonna lose.

You know that.

We have the most powerful ally in the world, but you're too high-minded to let her help us.

So, we're gonna end up the most principled corpses in Potter's Field.

We've stayed alive so far.

We're not living.

We're surviving.

We're human.

Eventually, we'll make a mistake, and she'll die too.

I know why you didn't give her a name.

You don't name something you may have to kill.

You had to kill the first 40 versions of her.

But like it or not, Harry, she's your child.

And she's gonna die unknown, unmourned.

She'll simply vanish without a trace.

And you couldn't even give her a real voice to ask you if it needs to end like this.

I didn't give the Machine a name because I imagined that one day it might wish to choose one for itself.

And a system doesn't have to be open to be given a voice.

Whose voice would you prefer? She's a big girl.

Like you said, let her choose.

I'm locking us out of the system.

As for a voice, we'll see what she chooses.


1.Unless you've added telepathy to your long list of talents, there's no way that you could have known that I had chosen today to end our d8ialogue with the Machine.

Root技能栏:心灵感应+1  你眼前是一个能预测的全知上帝和一个能听到上帝的全能根阿宅总You are the first one being watched..see Finch? 



2.She respects your decision.

She believes in you so much.



3.We've stayed alive so far.

We're not living.

We're surviving.

We're human.

Eventually, we'll make a mistake, and she'll die too.


宅总说我们活到了现在  或许应该再加个 “侥幸” 和 “苟且”。“活” 到了现在,正如根所说是存活的活,不是生活的活。小分队没有生活。这听起来是一句多么心酸的话,他们不是行尸走肉,却在最隐秘的角落挣扎求生,还有一个不可思议的理由——为了这个世界。

可他们终究只是人,没有千万次的演算能力,没有预知未来的能力,也没有调动军队的能力。他们如何去和一个拥着这么多资源的军队对抗,凭着一腔热血恐怕早已灰飞烟灭了。而且人会犯错,最大的错误死亡,难道必须是结局么。用根的意思就是他们“还未犯错” 这要多亏机器。


宅根这一整季的讨论其实都是围绕在对机器的“掌控”程度上。所以其实我非常不明白宅总为啥突然要关闭系统?根说他high-minded 到底代表什么。如果说现在还在纠结“人工智能”权利腐败,人工智能灾难论一说是不是有点过了?刚刚还在忧虑未来呢?我不希望宅总此时还是因为这个原因关闭的系统。。未免太固化偏执了。我更认同中间发生了一些事或许是和号码有关,或许是和机器表现有关,让宅总决定重新关闭系统。然而我依然一脸懵逼,剧里竟然没人提为什么。  


4.I'm locking us out of the system.

As for a voice, we'll see what she chooses.


Sierra, tango, bravo, Lima, x-ray, Lima, November, golf, Charlie

I looked up your credentials, Professor Whistler.

Your work on discourse analysis is impressive.

- Thank you.

- You're quite welcome.

But you've yet to be published on the subject of word sense disambiguation.

Knowing that, how are you qualified to give me a B-minus? 

Office hours are over.

Professor Whistler was just about to change my grade.

This paper's a C-minus at best.

And that man is not your professor.

He's an architect of the future.

Mr. Reese, what's going on? We have a new number.

Whose? Yours.

Excuse me, what about my grade? You failed.

Sorry, Harry. Professor Whistler's taking early retirement.

Who wants to go quietly? 

Nice doing business with you, Trevor.

Let's get out of here before more of his colleagues show up.

Good to be alive. Isn't it, Harry? 

We haven't survived this yet, Ms. Groves.



Harold's cover's blown.

- And yours, Detective? - Don't know yet.

Which is precisely why you should put some distance between us, John.

It's not worth the risk.

Street's clear.

- You weren't followed.

- Ms. Shaw.

It's good to have you back home.

Harold, do you know how they found you? I don't know.

I do. I'm back a week, your cover's blown.

(Reese) This place could be blown too.

We need to take what we can guns, ammo, cash and get the hell out fast.

We're going on the offensive.

Temporary Resolutions.

Starting at that office and working right up their chain of command.

They can't get to Finch if we get to them first.

[lock rattles] Yeah, I love you too.

Grab some guns, Sameen.

You'll feel better once we shoot some people.

There'd be a better way to fight this war if we hadn't closed the system.

If I believed that, I wouldn't have done it.

What if I said I hard-coded a little something extra into the system before you closed it for good? I gave her the capacity to defend herself.

There are rules, Ms. Groves.

Rules I did not arrive at casually.

Don't worry.

I added a safeguard.

She'll only act if you ask her to.

It's entirely your decision.

Party crashers.

You want to stick around, give 'em a proper welcome? Thought you'd never ask.

Offense works for me.

What about Glasses? He's not exactly Indiana Jones, you know.

Leave Harold with me.

You think you can hide him from an all-seeing eye? I used to be the all-seeing eye.

I know just the place to keep Harold out of sight.

Good. Sorry to miss the party, ladies, but we need to move.

I wish you wouldn't do this on my account.

I'm just protecting a number, Harold.

It's what you hired me to do.


1.- Ms. Shaw.

It's good to have you back home.

如我所说小分队对肖归来的反应因时间原因刻画的非常少。宅总最大的反应是:“你回来了真好” 额尽管存在些问题,但对肖归队后的很多细节上还是非常好的。而且宅总用了back home这个词,瞬间就被暖到了有没有。


2. Yeah, I love you too.


豆豆就是个开心果,话说I love you都快成口头禅了,豆豆: 我有什么办法我也很无奈阿(此处应有豆豆摊手表情)


3.There are rules, Ms. Groves.

Rules I did not arrive at casually.




4.You think you can hide him from an all-seeing eye? 

I used to be the all-seeing eye.




5.I wish you wouldn't do this on my account.

I'm just protecting a number, Harold.

It's what you hired me to do.



These are the Double B high-rises.

Are you sure the place is safe? - Hey, boss.

- For me, yes.

For an outsider, of course not.

Pardon the smell.

Used to be a meth lab.

Well, the escort is much appreciated, but I'll take it from here.

I'm sorry, Harold.

This isn't just your fight.

We have a common enemy, one that murdered a dear friend.

I'm in your corner till the end.

I confess, I'm not a fan of boxing, but have you ever been to a match where everybody knows the fighter is done except for the fighter himself? 

It's never done.

We've lasted too long to give up now.

I'm afraid you're signing your own death warrant.

Be that as it may, I'd rather die on the mat than throw in the towel.

It's more peaceful than I'd have imagined.

I negotiated a truce between the two gangs warring over the territory.

Enjoy it.

Nobody's getting in here.

You've thought a few moves ahead, but our opponent has thought a thousand.

You were always quite the chess player.

Did you ever game out where you would be at this point in your life? I must admit, a meth lab was low on my list of possibilities.

I was fairly certain I'd end up in prison.


Me too.

Oh, the lives we could have led.

It's funny, when we met, John was protecting a teacher named Charlie Burton in this exact housing project.

As I recall, that protection ended when Charlie pulled a gun on John.

A youthful indiscretion.

I was living underground three years, but I got sloppy and was caught on a surveillance camera.

Everything all right, Harold? Excuse me.

- Root? - Hey, Stranger.

- Just finishing up here.

- Ah! (Finch) I'm afraid I've made a grave miscalculation.

I went back to the place I took Grace on our first date.

It had been ten years to the day since I bought her that first cappuccino.

Samaritan isn't just watching everything we do now.

It's monitoring everything we've ever done.

You said this morning we were just surviving.

By then my fate had been sealed.

But not yours.

I would hate for my mistake to mean punishment for the rest of you.

And please tell Ms. Shaw this is not her cross to bear.

This lapdog has the same card.

Temporary Resolutions.


1.This isn't just your fight.

We have a common enemy, one that murdered a dear friend.

I'm in your corner till the end.

不知怎么想起来一个POI曾说过类似的话This isn't just your fight. 以老师虽然“隐”但他从没有“忍”过。我想这也是为什么他藏匿于地下、监狱、安全屋许久无论哪里,当他回到他的地盘,总还会听到有人叫一声“BOSS”。因为那是会为他们抗争,会为他们报仇的人。

我没想到第五季宅总以老师的关系也能发展一大截。如宅总所说以老师是反派出场,当查理伯顿把枪指在John头上时这段“号码”关系就结束了。有意思的是,在剧中同样以反派出场的根,当卡洛琳图灵将枪指在Finch头上时这段“号码”关系也结束了。而这两个有趣的反派后来都在一定程度上洗白了,其实也没有白不白一说,只是他们都找到了各自的信仰并为此而战,甚至结局都有些相似,你可能没想到他们真的都履行了诺言 I'm in your corner till the end.

所以我惊讶于 POI中人虽各个性格迥异角色鲜明,但其实都是相似的阿都有信仰,但让他们不泯于众人的是,他们还为此而战。就像以老师为“义”而战,根为“信”而战,宅总为“德”而战,连格尔你都可以说他是为他所认为的“理”而战。(POI写成小说没准就成哪部经典奋斗史了呢)

2.I confess, I'm not a fan of boxing, but have you ever been to a match where everybody knows the fighter is done except for the fighter himself? 

It's never done.

We've lasted too long to give up now.

I'm afraid you're signing your own death warrant.

Be that as it may, I'd rather die on the mat than throw in the towel.


听着挺像POI的。Anyway宅总将老师或者他自己比作“fighter”可是这个fighter 已经被所有人认定done了怎么办呢。自责在作祟,他一直在说不希望你们为我这样,你们命还在我的命已经不保了,赶紧抛弃我吧。说实话是挺逊的,正如老师说 我们都坚持了这么久为什么要放弃。


die on the mat than throw in the towel

不是谚语但非常呼应宅总的比喻。老师用同样的场景回应宅总:我宁愿死在赛场上也不愿放弃比赛。throw in the towel 的说法就是来自拳击,指一方将擦脸巾扔到场上就代表认输。


4.You were always quite the chess player.

Did you ever game out where you would be at this point in your life?

I must admit, a meth lab was low on my list of possibilities. I was fairly certain I'd end up in prison.

Strange. Me too. Oh, the lives we could have led.

以老师和宅总的这个“追忆”还是“假设”的对话,说到象棋,就想起了411。而两人的谈话也似乎有那种“无数个可能”的生活,就像每一步都展开了无数个结局的说法。宅总认为自己会是在监狱,以老师也认为自己会进监狱,可结局都不如他们所想那样。Strange 是哪一步走错了呢?或者又是哪一步走对了呢?

Oh, the lives we could have led. 大家这集为何都在感慨人生,大概这真是个沉重的话题,可这集已经够沉重了不要再让我想起你们可能过上什么生活了。


5.You said this morning we were just surviving.

By then my fate had been sealed.

But not yours.

I would hate for my mistake to mean punishment for the rest of you.

And please tell Ms. Shaw this is not her cross to bear.



You want to tell me how this all-seeing eye thing doesn't see us coming? It does.

We're two homicide detectives investigating a campus shooting.

Temporary Resolutions? Is it just me, or is dispatching hit men more of a permanent resolution? Ready or not, Lionel.

Welcome to Temporary Resolutions.

How can I help you gentlemen? Detective Riley, NYPD.

My partner and I are investigating a shooting involving one of your employees.

A shooting? Oh, my God.

We need to see your employee files.

I'm afraid you're gonna need a warrant for that.

Can we speak to your supervisor? 

Are you sure you want to do that? We'll take our chances.

Of course. Right this way.

Can I offer you gentlemen any water while you're waiting? Coffee maybe? 

We're good.

Our supervisor will be right with you.

That was Harry.

I gathered.

He think I'm the reason his cover's blown?

He knows you're not. 

He slipped up. He went back to the place he and Grace had their first date.

Harold has a weakness.

We all do.

It'd be nice if we could go back.

I guess none of us has the life we want.

Actually, Sameen? I've been hiding since I was 12.

This might be the first time I feel like I belong.

These guys don't quit.

Guess we might get a workout after all.


1.Harold has a weakness.

We all do.

It'd be nice if we could go back.

I guess none of us has the life we want.

Actually, Sameen? I've been hiding since I was 12.

This might be the first time I feel like I belong.




十指相扣  似感情终有的定数 


锤锤以后就只能更想go back了

Would you care for some dinner, Harold? 

I make a killer puttanesca, even in a kitchen that's only been used to cook meth.

They're here.

Shame, I don't think we'll have enough place settings.

The two gangs' normal behavior is to fight all day, every day, so today is an anomaly.

That's how they found us.

In that case, the puttanesca will have to wait.

I'm beginning to think the supervisor's never showing.

Lionel. What do you hear? Nothing.

That can't be good.

They sent 50 employees packing.

So they could send in the big guns, and we're their targets.

Get ready, Lionel.

Chain of command's coming for us.

- Move in! - They're cornered! Ah! Ah! - Nice shot, Lionel.

- Keep moving! They're still back there! But I'm afraid it's time we wrap this up.

- Take cover! 

Do me a favor and push the elevator button, would you, Harold? 

Who's to say they won't be on the elevator? 

- Oh, they're on the elevator. They're just not alive.

Ah! You hand him over now, and we'll let you go.

(Elias) No, thank you.

You're not gonna be able to take both of us out.

You know what? You're right.

- But he can.

- [gunshots] Good thing you brought the mop.

Don't travel without it, boss.

See, Harold? Even old boxers have a few tricks.

My man William is going to take us out of the city.

Elias! Ah! Ah! Get in. 








卡尔以利亚:  I'm in your corner till the end. 

No sign of Finch.

(man) Yo, you the cops? Got something for you.

Let him through.

Everyone around here respected Elias.

Elias's killers left the scene in this vehicle? Yeah.

One killer, and one guy who Elias respected.


(Reese) Root, RTCC got a hit on the vehicle transporting Finch.

(Root) The machine beat you to the punch.

Shaw and I are already on the way.

Don't worry, Harold.

This won't take long.

I should hope not.

I won't give you the location of my friends or the Machine.

So please, go ahead and kill me now before more people die.

My dear Harold, Samaritan doesn't want you dead.

So why has it gone to all this trouble to bring me here? 

Because Samaritan needs your help.

Granted, Samaritan knows that you won't hear its appeal in your current state.

One day, a day you may not be able to see now, you will work for Samaritan of your own accord.

Take him.

If you could just follow me, sir.

Have a pleasant journey, Mr. Finch.

1.Granted, Samaritan knows that you won't hear its appeal in your current state.

One day, a day you may not be able to see now, you will work for Samaritan of your own accord.




Ah! So I was thinking about your thing.

My thing? 

Your whole "I'm crazy and the world's just a simulation" thing? It's a little like when Harry had me locked up and I was questioning everything.

Can we talk about this after the whole lethal shootout thing? 

No time like the present, Sameen.

Besides, if this is just another simulation, who cares if we die? Anyway, Schrodinger said at its base level, the universe isn't made up of physical matter, but just shapes.

I thought that might make you feel better.


A shape, you know? Nothing firm. What it means is the real world is essentially a simulation anyway. 

You are the last person I should have confided in about this.

I liked that idea. 

That even if we're not real, we represent a dynamic. 

A tiny finger tracing a line in the infinite.

A shape.

And then we're gone.

That's supposed to make me feel better? I'm a shape? Yeah.

And, darlin', you got a great shape.

I swear to God, you flirt at the most awkward times.

- I know.

Listen, all I saying is that if we're just information, just noise in the system we might as well be a symphony.

Hey, Harry. Need a lift? Get back! Get in the car.

I'll draw the fire! I'm not leaving you again! Get him out of here now, or I'll shoot you myself! Go! Go! 

1. So I was thinking about your thing.

My thing? 

Your whole "I'm crazy and the world's just a simulation" thing? 

It's a little like when Harry had me locked up and I was questioning everything.




2.Can we talk about this after the whole lethal shootout thing? 

No time like the present, Sameen.

Besides, if this is just another simulation, who cares if we die?

根说话简直让人仰慕,大锤的反应就很搞笑,总之各种反差阿呆萌。No time like the present 实在不是一句什么好话。。。虽然机器模拟的还真像呢不是么,我在想根为什么总是抓紧每分每秒的调戏大锤,后来明白了时间对她们是多么苛刻又残忍,不小心就再也没有了就像如今这样不小心。 如果这都是模拟,谁关心我们的死活。也许吧,也许那个为了模拟死了7000多次的人也不会关心吧。



3.Anyway, Schrodinger said at its base level, the universe isn't made up of physical matter, but just shapes. I thought that might make you feel better.


A shape, you know? Nothing firm. What it means is the real world is essentially a simulation anyway. 

You are the last person I should have confided in about this.

I liked that idea. 

That even if we're not real, we represent a dynamic. 

A tiny finger tracing a line in the infinite.

A shape.

And then we're gone.

That's supposed to make me feel better? I'm a shape? 

Yeah. And, darlin', you got a great shape.

I swear to God, you flirt at the most awkward times.

- I know.



根说亲爱的,you got a great shape. 先承认我大概是想歪了事实证明我确实是想歪了anyway, 根不浪漫是假的,她简直不能再懂了,但大锤能理解这句话的意思么,我严重怀疑她跟我理解的是一个意思。。。其实每每觉得根的爱是多么的呼之欲出,又发觉其实这份爱里还有她私人的部分,她默默收下大锤自己都不知道的好,默默欣赏着大锤自己都不知道的美,默默爱着大锤看不到的地方,默默珍藏着这份Great,所以根也有过幸福的时候吧。


P.S我承认这段美的不像话,但我还是得把最佳抢镜奖颁给大锤,这反应也太搞笑了,I thought that might make you feel better. Seriously? You are the last person I should have confided in about this. That's supposed to make me feel better? I'm a shape? 一个傻傻的耿直锤子,不过这次她是笑着回答的


4.Listen, all I saying is that if we're just information, just noise in the system we might as well be a symphony.





(Samaritan) Stop. Right. On foot. Three blocks.



You should have just left me.

Not gonna happen, Harry.

You're bleeding.

Ugh! Please, we need to get you to a hospital.

Not a chance.

It's the first place they'll be looking for you.

You can patch me up when we get back to the subway.

You've had plenty of practice with John.  

I'm so tired of this.

Everyone we've lost.


They all made choices.

They all died for something they believe in.

And anyway, the way I see it they're not gone, Harry.

I mean, they're dead, but they're not gone.

You must have figured this out.

I'm not in a metaphysical mood.

I'm not talking metaphysics, Harry.

You built it, but you refuse to accept what you created.

I mean, Shaw's a little screwy right now, but she's not wrong.

We're all simulations now.

In order to predict what we do she has to know us.

And she's gotten better and better at it.

And the people she watches the most, she knows the best.

Better than we know ourselves.

Nathan Elias, Carter they're all still in there.

The Machine's still watching over them.

She's watching over us too.

And she thinks you should take this.

- Now.

- May I ask why? Might want to duck, Harry!



1.You've had plenty of practice with John.


2.I'm so tired of this.

Everyone we've lost.




3.They all made choices.

They all died for something they believe in.

选择是很考验人的,它试探你在不知前路时会走某条路,还有在你明知前路时是不是还会走那条路,这中间就传递了“价值”。也不同于一般人所说:“这人死的有价值”,肖曾说die for something you love劝告准备自杀顺便炸了地铁的人死的更有“价值”点。“价值”在这里是主观的you love,还有they believe in. 



4.And anyway, the way I see it they're not gone, Harry.

I mean, they're dead, but they're not gone.

You must have figured this out.

I'm not in a metaphysical mood.

I'm not talking metaphysics, Harry.

You built it, but you refuse to accept what you created.

I mean, Shaw's a little screwy right now, but she's not wrong.

We're all simulations now.

In order to predict what we do she has to know us.

And she's gotten better and better at it.

And the people she watches the most, she knows the best.

Better than we know ourselves.

Nathan Elias, Carter they're all still in there.

The Machine's still watching over them.

She's watching over us too.

根其实这集非常话唠了。先把要说的说了一会只看耍帅就够了,the Machine lives, we never die. 这句话的字面意思就是Bullshit但扯死亡是什么意志形式意志永存这些我还不如去写篇论文,所以我决定单单把台词下编剧写成的冰山一角挖出来看看。机器在“观察”我们,过去现在和未来,它学习我们从而模仿我们,也许还能预测我们谁知道呢,而学习的越多观察的越多就越可能模仿的像预测的准,根说为了预测我们会怎么做,她要了解我们,而最了解的人就是跟它最近的人就是这个道理,到这为止的本质上TM所承袭的都是“机器学习”。对根所表达的那些来说不是一个特别浪漫的概念但就是如此,TM只是在履行一个作为“有演算能力的AI”而做出的行为。


根所说的话中心是在说人,她说内森、以利亚、卡特(这里又咯噔一下有没有)他们之所以没有“gone”是因为机器still watching over them. “watching over”就是机器的观察和选择,他们曾如何做事如何为人,机器将这些视为他的元素他的力量永不改变,它是它所选择成为之物,是它所看到的人,那些人也就从未离开。无论是POI的鸡汤结语,海洋奇缘中那条泛着蓝光的鱼还是HP里哈利赴死前的幻觉,这些影视剧一直灌输的逝者力量可能真的在影响着那个和他们有联系的人。宅总说了一句很搞笑的话:我没心情和你谈论形而上学。(所以到头来就是讨论哲学呢?哲学家们)也许,我也搞不清楚在某时这还是不是形而上学。


(Samaritan) Right. 5G. Upstairs. Vacant.


These guys are really pissing me off.

Can you get me the .338? - 338? - The really big gun. And a hair scrunchy. Thanks.

Okay. He'll be done in three two  


As I was saying, this is the next world, Harry.

The world you built.

And as long as the Machine lives, we never die.


Relax, hot shot. It's the cavalry. Get in. 

(Samaritan) Plate number: 5KSKU. Target? 

(Samaritan) Priority target: passenger. Secondary target: driver.

Listen, I know you have apprehension about what the Machine is.

About what she will become.

And I trust you, Harold.

I walked in darkness for a very long time until you guided me to light.

And I wouldn't change any of it.

But we're not going to win this way.

And we can't afford to lose.

When the time comes, you'll know what to do.

And I know this is an ugliness you never wanted, but sometimes you have to fight a little.

We're fighting a war that's already over.

All this mayhem? It isn't some plucky underground resistance movement.

It's an extinction burst.


她因宅总而改变,机器也因宅总而“改变”,这种力量是不会轻易变化的,即使在机器被释放出能力后这种“改变后的因素”也会永远存在着,这是根相信的么?还是她相信了宅总所认为的机器发展后患无穷呢?即便是后者,根仍然不相信这样能赢,所以矛盾不是机器会发展成什么,而是他们如何去赢。这一季宅总不就被各种劝说去反击,作为进攻派的以老师也曾给他说过战争中要调动所有资源,根其实就更不例外。Sometimes you have to fight a little. Because we can't afford to lose. 但宅总阿厌战情绪却到了极点,他认为战争已经结束了,反抗还有什么意义。听听他的中世纪语气:“这一团乱局,不是什么顽强的地下反抗行动,而是回光返照”

P.S 我还是不明白这句When the time comes, you'll know what to do. 听起来完全像根知道接来下会发生什么所以和机器串通好并告知宅总等我消失了你就赶紧去打撒玛利亚人吧 后传既视感


No! Are you hit? I'm fine, Harry.

I'm just fine.

Keep your eyes out.

I need to drive.

NYPD! Stop the vehicle! Root, we have to stop.

We're not in any immediate danger.

We have to take our chances with the police.

All right, they're stopping Move in.

(man) Put the weapon down! We're not armed.

We're not armed! Root, put your gun down.

Root? (man) Out of the car! 





So the time comes ,you know what to do, Harry.














(她只是去做任务了你们这些人呐 )

 (man) Prints came back positive

15 homicide scenes in the last 5 years.

Who the hell is this guy? Don't know, but after you ran 'em, the Feds called.

They're sending someone over.

And get this.

Case on file from nineteen-seventy-friggin'-four.

What are the charges? Treason.


All right, Sarge, thanks.

These guys are clueless.

It's like a war zone out here.

Said they pulled two people out of the car.

One of them's in custody down in central.

One of 'em One of them's at St.

Mary's in critical condition.

Samaritan won't give up.

They're both in danger.

We need to split up.

I'll go to the hospital.

Shaw, you come with me.

Be careful, Lionel.



That's as far as we've gotten.


That and a file number.

Quite a few file numbers, in fact.

We've got records of records of you going back nearly 40 years.

But no actual records.

Isn't that funny? We digitized them all ten years back.

Brass said all the files were taking up too much room.

Me? I thought it was a bad idea.

I mean, pieces of paper going missing every once in a while? For the most part, they turned up. But now? Little bits in a hard drive? Who's to say when they disappear? They're just gone.

Now all of yours just went up in smoke. 

And all I've got is a cover page to a file.

An interview with an unnamed man in a retirement home talking about his son.


But lucky for me, in treason cases, they keep the files.

I've got an agent headed to Washington with a flashlight.

It'll probably take him a couple of hours to dig yours up.

Unless you want to save him the time. 

My friend. What happened to her? 

Well If you talk to me I'll tell you about your friend.

I would like my phone call.

Phone call? No, it doesn't work like that.

You give us the name of an attorney, and we will contact them on your behalf.

In the meantime, you and I just wait.

Unless you have something to say to me.


1.Now all of yours just went up in smoke. 

And all I've got is a cover page to a file.

An interview with an unnamed man in a retirement home talking about his son.




I have played by the rules for so long.

Not from where I'm sitting. 

No. Not your rules.

You work at the behest of a system so broken that you didn't even notice when it became corrupted at its core.

When I first broke your rules, a sitting president had authorized assassination squads in Laos, and the head of the FBI had ordered his men you to conduct illegal surveillance on his political rivals.

Your rules have changed every time it was convenient for you.

I was talking about my rules.

I have lived by those rules for so long.

Believed in them for so long.

Believed that if you played by the right rules, eventually you would win.

But I was wrong, wasn't I? And now all the people I cared about are dead.

Or will be dead soon enough.

And we will be gone without a trace.

So now I have to decide.

Decide whether to let my friends die, to let hope die, to let the world be ground under your heel all because I played by my rules.

I'm trying to decide.

I'm going to kill you.

But I need to decide how far I'm willing to go how many of my own rules I'm willing to break to get it done.

Look, you want to add threatening the life of a federal agent to your file, I will draw up those charges right now.

No waiting is required.

I wasn't talking to you.

1.I have played by the rules for so long.

Not from where I'm sitting. 

No. Not your rules. 

You work at the behest of a system so broken that you didn't even notice when it became corrupted at its core. 

When I first broke your rules, a sitting president had authorized assassination squads in Laos, and the head of the FBI had ordered his men you to conduct illegal surveillance on his political rivals.

Your rules have changed every time it was convenient for you.

I was talking about my rules.



Your rules have changed every time it was convenient for you. 是这段我最欣赏的一句话。它的字面是说政府的规总是向着方便政府的方式改变。而从它的背后我仿佛看到了一位少年尚存的狂傲和正义,一位天才从未改变过的志向与理智。现在我明白了宅总为什么总是觉得“机器”不是他最大的一项壮举,而可能是他最大的一个错误。因为在宅总心中,规不应是一种执政手段而应是阐述社会上“理”存在的一种方式。




-I have played by the rules for so long.

-I was talking about my rules.




Defending his actions in the 1970's, Finch says, "..a sitting President had authorized assassination squads in Laos, and the head of the FBI had ordered his men...to conduct illegal surveillance on his political rivals." He is referring to The Phoenix Program, a CIA-run operation using torture and assassinations to destabilize the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War, as well as FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's activities, an element of the Watergate scandal. The sitting president was Richard Nixon.--poi wikia





2.I have lived by those rules for so long.

Believed in them for so long.

Believed that if you played by the right rules, eventually you would win.

But I was wrong, wasn't I? 

And now all the people I cared about are dead.

Or will be dead soon enough.

And we will be gone without a trace.

So now I have to decide.

Decide whether to let my friends die, to let hope die, to let the world be ground under your heel all because I played by my rules.

I'm trying to decide.

I'm going to kill you.

But I need to decide how far I'm willing to go how many of my own rules I'm willing to break to get it done.

第二段是关于:宅总对自己的规则“谨言慎行” 终得突破(or not?)


应该还记得刚刚说宅总厌战到了极点,说出“回光返照”这种话,我也不知道这样翻译是不是最准确的,英文中extinction burst 是个行为学概念,大致意思是在某项行动最终放弃前往往会趋于达到最激烈的高峰(达到最糟糕的状态),常见于儿童行为学中。而在宅总这,情况恰恰相反。极近放弃的情况下,灾难在他眼前重生,鲜血在他眼前流淌,那是他所牺牲的,为他牺牲的,宅总看到了这个世界的末象。


但这一搏要付出如何的代价,宅总又如何下定决心,两者归结为一个词“Rule”。第一次提到Rule, 说的是前面宅总对根给机器加了自卫能力的反应:There are rules, Ms. Groves. Rules I did not arrive at casually. 对机器的规则其实就是这里自己的规则,这份规则里包含了道德和限制,也正是这份规则封锁了他心中的困兽,让他这个俯视众生的天才不将人类视为蝼蚁,不将道义随意践踏,因为他完全有能力。“我按心中的规则行事,相信它们,相信践行它们就一定会赢。”可惜这个世界不是宅总一个人的游戏。他的完美武装让人崇拜,高深规则让人敬仰,但丑陋的敌人管三七二十一吗?宅总曾相信上帝还是会把赢判给哪些把三七当成二十一的人吧,然而他错了,上帝也是丑陋的。


He is trying to decide一切是不是都要因他守着自己的“规则”,在这个不管三七二十一的世界,让他们都消失的无影无踪。 为了最初的自责也好,为了胜利的信念也好,为了拯救世界也好,宅总重新审视了自己,给出了答案。

我们都知道他对小撒的那句宣告:I'm going to kill you.




P.S 我觉得编剧可以把后面宅总写的再黑化点,后三集其实除了点嘴炮功夫呢。。好像没太黑啊,反正我好喜欢黑暗又霸气的宅宅→_→


3.I wasn't talking to you. 这一波是为了吹演技







No, no.

No damn chance of that.

No, this guy is ours.

I don't care who the hell those suits think they are.

Get him back into holding.

This case is way out of your jurisdiction.

There's no way we're gonna give up this prisoner.

This is a very high-value prisoner, and he's ours.

Hey, Dennis? They said they're calling Washington.

Meanwhile, anyone remands this guy to anyone

Can you hear me?


No, Harold.

I chose a voice.

Make sure this is completely locked down.

This place can you get me out of it? 

You created me. I can do anything you want me to.


I chose a voice.多么深情又残忍的话 


NYPD homicide.

What happened here?

Someone cut the power, opened all the cell doors.

At last count, 600 prisoners escaped out the back door.

National Guard being called up.

You got any weapons in that thing, we're gonna need you.


We need to get to Finch.

I got a feeling Finch isn't here anymore.

Samaritan didn't want him dead, at least not if they could capture him.

Then why did his number come up?

That still remains I think it was warning us about what he might do to them.


1.Someone cut the power, opened all the cell doors.

At last count, 600 prisoners escaped out the back door.



2.We need to get to Finch.




3.Samaritan didn't want him dead, at least not if they could capture him.

Then why did his number come up?

That still remains I think it was warning us about what he might do to them.

那为什么他的号码出现了?听起来都好讽刺阿。四叔更快反应到,因为他不是victim 而是perpetrator 


*There is a place that still remains

It eats the fear it eats the pain

The sweetest price he’ll have to pay

The day the world went away









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